My Family

This photo was taken for church not too long ago. The photo features my little brother Lathen who is 9 years old, my little sister Lacy who is 13 years old, my mom Diane, and my dad Randy. This is the Stevens Family. My dad owns his own automotive shop, while my mom works as the business administrator for the Edgemont School District. We also own a ranch, in conjunction with my Grandpa and Grandma outside of town. It generally keeps the whole family busy. While, family get togethers and holidays are always spent on the ranch as well, and I would like to keep it that way.

My Home Town

As of now I live in Rapid City. I know that the town really doesn't look this way now,but give me a break, I liked the picure. Yes, I do commute back and forth to school. A lot of students do, and I don't mind. I guess that's generally the price that you pay when the man you love is in one town and school is in the other. I guess that's the only compromise I have found.

Black Hills State University

I am currently a senior here at Black Hills State University, and my field of study includes: Mass Communications with an emphasis in Journalism and a minor in Writing. My experience at Black Hills State has included: Web Design, Desktop Publishing, Writing, Photography, and a little Public Relations. Although Public Relations isn't my strongest area; I've decided that I should incorporate this into my field to broaden my spectrum.

My Current Employer

I work at Seattle's Best Coffee Cafe located in our very own Borders Bookstore. As you could probably imagine, I'm a barista. It's pretty exciting that I get to spend everyday making coffee, but trust me it can make you a little crazy sometimes. As a barista my is fulfilled as a coffee expert, coffee bean expert, certified trainer, and I hold several 5-star mystery shop decorative pins.

Copyright © 2007 Caylen Groen. All rights reserved.